President Obama and the White House for the United States have provided a pdf file for the American Jobs Act 2011. But as an Independent voter (and as Your Excel Coach), I can’t find the Excel spreadsheet version of the … Continue reading
One of my website visitors wanted a simple Excel time sheet. Her husband wants to keep track of his hours and wages on a monthly basis. Here is TechSmith video of less than 5 minutes. It was made using Jing. … Continue reading
This will be the shortest Excel quiz you ever see; the shortest Excel quiz you’ll ever take. Who is “My Dear Aunt Sally”? If you’ve already know “My Dear Aunt Sally”, you probably don’t need this quiz. But my Aunt Sally … Continue reading
Is Microsoft Excel listed as a software skill on your resume? If not, why not? Microsoft Excel and the Evil Twin Theory In my computer classes I often explained what I called The Evil Twin Theory. I think most times … Continue reading
Is Microsoft Excel easy to learn? It’s a great question, and my first blog topic for Your Excel Coach. Honestly, the real answer is “maybe yes” and “maybe no”. The unpleasant truth after my teaching thousands of adults how to … Continue reading